JMeter, Docker, Grafana Integration


JMeter Docker


Distributed Testing – By JMeter And Docker – QAutomation

Performance Testing Framework on Docker

This framework could be used both for backend load testing with Apache JMeter and frontend load test with + webpage test private instance.

Custom Grafana dashboards features:

  • view application/server-side metrics in real time while test is running

  • analyze errors cause with detailed traces for failed requests

  • compare different test runs in scripted dashboard

Dashboard demo

Tests comparison

Getting Started

Framework consists of next services:

  • Grafana: data visualization & monitoring

  • Influxdb: time series DB platform for metrics & events (Time Series Data)

  • Telegraf: server agent for collecting & reporting metrics

  • set of tools for frontend load testing

  • Graphite: time series DB platform for metrics

  • Jenkins: continuous integration server for tests execution

  • Portainer: service for managing docker environment

  • Webpagetest: private instance of webpagetest server for frontend tests execution

  • Apache Jmeter: tool for backend load testing

Framework architecture:


  1. Install Git Desktop

  2. Install Git Bash

  3. Install Docker Desktop

  4. Download kubectl and set the path in Env variables

Installation Process

  1. Clone this repository git clone

  2. open performance-testing-framework dir

For Backend testing:

  1. (optional) if you want to update existing services

docker-compose pull

docker-compose build 

docker-compose down

  1. docker-compose up -d

For Frontend + Backend testing

  1. (optional) if you want to update existing services

docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-frontend.yml pull

docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-frontend.yml build

docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-frontend.yml down

  1. docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-frontend.yml up -d

All containers should be up and running

Services endpoints

  • jenkins localhost:8181

  • grafana localhost:8857

  • portainer localhost:9000

  • webpagetest server localhost:80

  • influxdb localhost:8653


Login to Jenkins with admin/admin(could be changed in docker-compose file)  By default jenkins consists of 2 jobs:

  • BackendJob: run Jmeter scenarios

  • FrontendJob: run tests with and webpagetest private instance

Running demo JMeter scenario with Backend Job

To run jmeter demo script: Open BackendJob -> Build with Parameters -> Set build parameters -> Select scenario -> Build

This job will start jmeter docker container and execute demo_scenario.jmx jmeter scenario 

To open demo scenario in local instance of JMeter please install Plugin Manager It will automatically install all required plugins.

Making your JMeter script compatible with framework

Create JMeter test scenario

Modify your JMeter scenario to work with framework, add:

  • JSR223 Listener from demo scenario Contains groovy script that:

    • Generates detailed trace about request/response info for failed samplers

    • Posts generated trace to JMeter log(could be viewed in Jenkins job)

    • Set trace to sampler response message. If failed samplers are part of Transaction Controller (generate parent sample enabled) all traces will be set to Transaction Controller response message

  • Backend Listener from demo scenario Sends samplers data to influx dB database. Fields:

    • application - groovy script set field value in next format:

  • .jmx file title @ Jenkins build number @ test start time (f.e. demo_scenario.jmx @ 18 @ Sat Jul 28 09:44:26 UTC 2018)

    • test Title - groovy script generates parameterized title like:

  • Jenkins build #18 with demo_scenario.jmx scenario with 10 users, 180 sec ramp up and 600 sec duration was started

    • event Tags - info from test Title field in tag format

Data from these fields will be displayed in Grafana dashboard annotations- Green/Red vertical lines that stands for test Start/End. 

  • (optional) jp@gc - Console Status Logger sends minimalistic stats to jenkins console output about test execution:

  • #43 Threads: 3/10 Samples: 16 Latency: 23 Resp.Time: 197 Errors: 2

  • #44 Threads: 3/10 Samples: 16 Latency: 32 Resp.Time: 203 Errors: 1


Start demo_scenario.jmx test with Jenkins Backend job

Real time results should be available in Grafana Open 'Load test monitoring' dashboard. Dashboard contains visualizations based on data from influx dB.

Available metrics

Dashboard has multiple rows with different metrics


All values in visualizations are calculated according to selected time range. Default time range is last 15 min with 10 sec refresh. 


Graphs and series on dashboard are displayed dynamically according to variables selected

  • group_time - aggregation time

  • metric - which series to show on Response Times Over Time graph(default All)

  • scenario - results of which scenario to display

  • transactions - which transactions to show on Response Times Over Time row(default All). transaction variable depends on scenario variable

  • server_measurements - which server side metrics to show

  • host - for which servers show monitoring

Failed requests details

If JSR223 listener was added to scenario than detailed traces for failed requests can be viewed in 'Error details' table. Example of failed request:

Number of samples in transaction : 1, number of failing samples : 1

Login; Response message: Unauthorized;

Status code: 401;

Number of failed assertions: 1

Sample Failed: Login

Started at: Mon Jul 30 11:54:59 UTC 2018

Finished at: Mon Jul 30 11:54:59 UTC 2018



    "code": "1234567"




Request headers:

Content-Type: application/json



Response code:401

Response data:


   "Error message": "Incorrect password or confirmation code entered. Please try again."


Assertion results:

Number of failed assertions: 1

Response Assertion Failed; 

Failure Message: Test failed: text expected to contain /success/;

Test runs comparison

Tests comparison is done using scripted js dashboard. It could be accessed at


To run frontend test: Open FrontendJob -> Build with Parameters -> Set build parameters -> Build 

This job will start docker container and run test with parameters using WebPageTest private instance

Frontend test deliverables:

  • HTML report

Web Page Test HTML Report



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