Locust Performance Testing





Release 0.14.5


















April 03, 2020

















1         Getting started                                                                                                                                      3

1.1           What is Locust?.......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.1             Features......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.2             Background.................................................................................................................. 4

1.1.3             Authors......................................................................................................................... 4

1.1.4             License.......................................................................................................................... 4

1.2           Installation................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2.1             Supported Python Versions......................................................................................... 5

1.2.2             Installing Locust on Windows..................................................................................... 5

1.2.3             Installing Locust on macOS........................................................................................ 5

1.2.4             Increasing Maximum Number of Open Files Limit.................................................. 5

1.3           Quick start................................................................................................................................... 6

1.3.1             Example 6            Let’s break it down:....................................................................................... 6

1.3.2             Start Locust................................................................................................................... 7

1.3.3             Open up Locust’s web interface.................................................................................. 8

2         Writing Locust tests                                                                                                                           11

2.1           Writing a locustfile................................................................................................................... 11

2.1.1             The Locust class......................................................................................................... 11            The wait_time attribute............................................................................... 11            The weight attribute.................................................................................... 12            The host attribute......................................................................................... 12            The tasks attribute....................................................................................... 12

2.1.2             Tasks........................................................................................................................... 12            Declaring tasks............................................................................................ 13            tasks attribute............................................................................................... 13

2.1.3             TaskSet class.............................................................................................................. 14            Interrupting a TaskSet................................................................................. 15            Differences between tasks in TaskSet and Locust classes........................ 15            Referencing the Locust instance, or the parent TaskSet instance............ 16

2.1.4             TaskSequence class................................................................................................... 16

2.1.5             Setups, Teardowns, on_start, and on_stop............................................................... 16            Setups and Teardowns................................................................................ 16            The on_start and on_stop methods............................................................. 16            Order of events............................................................................................ 16

2.1.6             Making HTTP requests.............................................................................................. 17            Using the HTTP client................................................................................ 17            Safe mode.................................................................................................... 18            Manually controlling if a request should be considered successful or a failure........................................................................................................... 18            Grouping requests to URLs with dynamic parameters............................. 18            HTTP Proxy settings................................................................................... 19

2.1.7             How to structure your test code................................................................................ 19

3         Running your Locust tests                                                                                                                21

3.1           Running Locust distributed...................................................................................................... 21

3.1.1             Example...................................................................................................................... 21

3.1.2             Options....................................................................................................................... 22            --master.................................................................................................. 22            --worker.................................................................................................. 22            --master-host=X.X.X.X.................................................................. 22     --master-port=5557......................................................................... 22            --master-bind-host=X.X.X.X..................................................... 22            --master-bind-port=5557............................................................. 22            --expect-workers=X......................................................................... 22

3.1.3             Running distributed with Docker.............................................................................. 22

3.1.4             Running Locust distributed without the web UI...................................................... 22

3.1.5             Running Locust distributed in Step Load mode...................................................... 23

3.1.6             Increase Locust’s performance................................................................................. 23

3.2           Running Locust with Docker................................................................................................... 23

3.2.1             Environment Variables.............................................................................................. 23

3.2.2             Running your tests..................................................................................................... 23

3.3           Running Locust without the web UI....................................................................................... 24

3.3.1             Setting a time limit for the test.................................................................................. 24

3.3.2             Allow tasks to finish their iteration on shutdown.................................................... 24

3.3.3             Running Locust distributed without the web UI...................................................... 24

3.4           Increase Locust’s performance with a faster HTTP client.................................................... 24

3.4.1             How to use FastHttpLocust....................................................................................... 25

3.4.2             API.............................................................................................................................. 25            FastHttpLocust class................................................................................... 25            FastHttpSession class.................................................................................. 25

4         Other functionalities                                                                                                                          29

4.1           Running Locust in Step Load Mode....................................................................................... 29

4.1.1             Options....................................................................................................................... 29            --step-load........................................................................................... 29            --step-clients................................................................................... 29            --step-time........................................................................................... 29            Running Locust in step load mode without the web UI............................ 29            Running Locust distributed in step load mode.......................................... 30

4.2           Retrieve test statistics in CSV format..................................................................................... 30

4.3           Testing other systems using custom clients............................................................................ 30

4.3.1             Sample XML-RPC Locust client.............................................................................. 31

4.4           Extending Locust...................................................................................................................... 32

4.4.1             Adding Web Routes................................................................................................... 33

4.5           Logging..................................................................................................................................... 33

4.5.1             Options....................................................................................................................... 33            --skip-log-setup.............................................................................. 33            --loglevel............................................................................................. 33            --logfile................................................................................................ 33



Locust as a library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Locust class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




HttpLocust class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




TaskSet class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




task decorator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




TaskSequence class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




seq_task decorator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Built in wait_time functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




HttpSession class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Response class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




ResponseContextManager class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




InterruptTaskSet Exception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Environment class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Event hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

45 EventHook class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Third-party tools



6.1     Third party tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



6.1.1      Support for other sampler protocols, reporting etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



6.1.2      Automate distributed runs with no manual steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



6.1.3      Using other languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

49     Golang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

49     Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



6.1.4      Configuration Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






7.1     Changelog Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



7.1.1      In development (master) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.9.0 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.8.1 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.8 . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7.5 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7.4 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7.3 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7.2 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7.1 .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.7 . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


HTTP client functionality moved to HttpLocust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


msgpack for serializing master/slave data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


requests updated to version 2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


gevent updated to version 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

55 Big refactoring of request statistics code   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

55 Removed support for avg_wait   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

56 Removed support for ramping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

56 Locust Event hooks now takes keyword argument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

56 Other changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.6.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.6.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

57 SubLocust replaced by TaskSet and Locust class behaviour changed  . . . .

57 Locust now uses Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

58 Other improvements and bug fixes   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60 Smaller API Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.5.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60 API changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

60 Improvements and bug fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



0.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

61 API changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

61 Improvements and bug fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Python Module






Locust, Release 0.14.5



Everything you need to know about Locust














Getting started






1.1    What is Locust?


Locust is an easy-to-use, distributed, user load testing tool. It is intended for load-testing web sites (or other systems) and figuring out how many concurrent users a system can handle.

The idea is that during a test, a swarm of locusts will attack your website. The behavior of each locust (or test user if you will) is defined by you and the swarming process is monitored from a web UI in real-time. This will help you battle test and identify bottlenecks in your code before letting real users in.

Locust is completely event-based, and therefore it’s possible to support thousands of concurrent users on a single machine. In contrast to many other event-based apps it doesn’t use callbacks. Instead it uses light-weight processes, through gevent. Each locust swarming your site is actually running inside its own process (or greenlet, to be correct). This allows you to write very expressive scenarios in Python without complicating your code with callbacks.


1.1.1    Features

     Write user test scenarios in plain-old Python

No need for clunky UIs or bloated XML—just code as you normally would. Based on coroutines instead of callbacks, your code looks and behaves like normal, blocking Python code.

     Distributed & Scalable - supports hundreds of thousands of users

Locust supports running load tests distributed over multiple machines. Being event-based, even one Lo- cust node can handle thousands of users in a single process. Part of the reason behind this is that even if you simulate that many users, not all are actively hitting your system. Often, users are idle figuring out what to do next. Requests per second != number of users online.

     Web-based UI

Locust has a neat HTML+JS user interface that shows relevant test details in real-time. And since the UI is web-based, it’s cross-platform and easily extendable.

     Can test any system



Even though Locust is web-oriented, it can be used to test almost any system. Just write a client for what ever you wish to test and swarm it with locusts! It’s super easy!


Locust is small and very hackable and we intend to keep it that way. All heavy-lifting of evented I/O and coroutines are delegated to gevent. The brittleness of alternative testing tools was the reason we created Locust.


1.1.2    Background

Locust was created because we were fed up with existing solutions. None of them are solving the right problem and to me, they are missing the point. We’ve tried both Apache JMeter and Tsung. Both tools are quite OK to use; we’ve used the former many times benchmarking stuff at work. JMeter comes with a UI, which you might think for a second is a good thing. But you soon realize it’s a PITA to “code” your testing scenarios through some point-and-click interface. Secondly, JMeter is thread-bound. This means for every user you want to simulate, you need a separate thread. Needless to say, benchmarking thousands of users on a single machine just isn’t feasible.

Tsung, on the other hand, does not have these thread issues as it’s written in Erlang. It can make use of the light-weight processes offered by BEAM itself and happily scale up. But when it comes to defining the test scenarios, Tsung is as limited as JMeter. It offers an XML-based DSL to define how a user should behave when testing. I guess you can imagine the horror of “coding” this. Displaying any sorts of graphs or reports when completed requires you to post-process the log files generated from the test. Only then can you get an understanding of how the test went.

Anyway, we’ve tried to address these issues when creating Locust. Hopefully none of the above pain points should exist.

I guess you could say we’re really just trying to scratch our own itch here. We hope others will find it as useful as we do.


1.1.3    Authors

     Jonatan Heyman (@jonatanheyman on Twitter)

     Carl Byström (@cgbystrom on Twitter)

     Joakim Hamrén (@Jahaaja on Twitter)

     Hugo Heyman (@hugoheyman on Twitter)


1.1.4    License

Open source licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file for details).


1.2    Installation


Text Box: $ pip3 install locust

Locust is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip.

If you want the bleeding edge version, you can use pip to install directly from our Git repository. For example, to install the master branch using Python 3:



Text Box: $ pip3 install -e git://

Once Locust is installed, a locust command should be available in your shell. (if you’re not using virtualenv—which you should—make sure your python script directory is on your path).

Text Box: $ locust --help

To see available options, run:


1.2.1    Supported Python Versions

Locust is supported on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.


1.2.2    Installing Locust on Windows

On Windows, running pip install locustio should work.

However, if it doesn’t, chances are that it can be fixed by first installing the pre built binary packages for pyzmq, gevent and greenlet.

You can find an unofficial collection of pre built python packages for windows here: pythonlibs/

Text Box: $ pip install name-of-file.whl

When you’ve downloaded a pre-built .whl file, you can install it with:

Once you’ve done that you should be able to just pip install locustio.

Note: Running Locust on Windows should work fine for developing and testing your load testing scripts. However, when running large scale tests, it’s recommended that you do that on Linux machines, since gevent’s performance under Windows is poor.



1.2.3    Installing Locust on macOS

Make sure you have a working installation of Python 3.6 or higher and follow the above instructions. Homebrew can be used to install Python on macOS.


1.2.4    Increasing Maximum Number of Open Files Limit

Every HTTP connection on a machine opens a new file (technically a file descriptor). Operating systems may set a low limit for the maximum number of files that can be open. If the limit is less than the number of simulated users in a test, failures will occur.

Increase the operating system’s default maximum number of files limit to a number higher than the number of simu- lated users you’ll want to run. How to do this depends on the operating system in use.


1.3    Quick start


1.3.1    Example

When using Locust you define the behaviour of users in Python code, and then you have the ability to simulate any number of those users while gathering request statistic. The entrypoint for defining the user behaviour is the

Note: The is a normal Python file that will get imported by Locust. Within it you can import modules just as you would in any python code.

The file can be named something else and specified with the -f flag to the locust command.


Text Box: import random
from locust import HttpLocust, task, between

class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust): wait_time = between(5, 9)

def index(self): self.client.get("/")

def view_post(self):
post_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
self.client.get("/post?id=%i" % post_id, name="/post?id=[post-id]")

def on_start(self):
""" on_start is called when a Locust start before any task is scheduled """

def login(self):"/login", {"username":"ellen_key", "password":"education"})

Below is a quick little example of a simple Let’s break it down:

Text Box: class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):

Here we define a class for the users that we will be simulating. It inherits from HttpLocust which gives each user a client attribute, which is an instance of HttpSession, that can be used to make HTTP requests to the target system that we want to load test. When a test starts locust will create an instance of this class for every user that it simulates, and each of these users will start running within their own green gevent thread.

Text Box: wait_time = between(5, 9)

Our class defines a wait_time function that will make the simulated users wait between 5 and 9 seconds after each task is executed.




def index(self):

(continues on next page)



(continued from previous page)

Text Box: self.client.get("/")

def view_post(self):

Text Box: post_id = random.randint(1, 10000)
self.client.get("/post?id=%i" % post_id, name="/post?id=[post-id]")

We’ve also declared two tasks by decorating two methods with @task and given them different weights (2 and 1). When a simulated user of this type runs it’ll pick one of either index or view_post - with twice the chance of picking index - call that method and then pick a duration uniformly between 5 and 9 and just sleep for that duration. After it’s wait time it’ll pick a new task and keep repeating that.

In the view_post task we load a dynamic URL by using a query parameter that is a number picked at random between 1 and 10000. In order to not get 10k entries in Locust’s statistics - since the stats is grouped on the URL - we use the name parameter to group all those requests under an entry named "/post?id=[post-id]" instead.

Text Box: def on_start(self):

Additionally we’ve declared a on_start method. A method with this name will be called for each simulated user when they start. For more info see Setups, Teardowns, on_start, and on_stop.


1.3.2    Start Locust

Text Box: $ locust

To run Locust with the above Locust file, if it was named and located in the current working directory, we could run:

If the Locust file is located under a subdirectory and/or named different than, specify it using -f:

Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/

Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/ --master

To run Locust distributed across multiple processes we would start a master process by specifying --master:

and then we would start an arbitrary number of worker processes:

Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/ --worker

Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/ --worker --master-host=

If we want to run Locust distributed on multiple machines we would also have to specify the master host when starting the workers (this is not needed when running Locust distributed on a single machine, since the master host defaults to

Parameters can also be set in a config file (locust.conf or ~/.locust.conf) or in env vars, prefixed by LOCUST_ For example: (this will do the same thing as the previous command)

Text Box: $ LOCUST_MASTER_HOST= locust



Note: To see all available options type: locust --help



1.3.3    Open up Locust’s web interface

Once you’ve started Locust using one of the above command lines, you should open up a browser and point it to (if you are running Locust locally). Then you should be greeted with something like this:

If you run Locust in Step Load Mode, then you should be greeted with Locust UI like this:















Writing Locust tests






2.1    Writing a locustfile


A locustfile is a normal python file. The only requirement is that it declares at least one class— let’s call it the locust class—that inherits from the class Locust.


2.1.1    The Locust class

A locust class represents one user (or a swarming locust if you will). Locust will spawn (hatch) one instance of the locust class for each user that is being simulated. There are a few attributes that a locust class should typically define.   The wait_time attribute


In addition to the task_set attribute, one should also declare a wait_time method. It’s used to determine for how long a simulated user will wait between executing tasks. Locust comes with a few built in functions that return a few common wait_time methods.

The most common one is between. It’s used to make the simulated users wait a random time between a min and max value after each task execution. Other built in wait time functions are constant and constant_pacing.

Text Box: from locust import Locust, TaskSet, task, between

class MyTaskSet(TaskSet): @task
def my_task(self):
print("executing my_task")

class User(Locust): task_set = MyTaskSet
wait_time = between(5, 15)

With the following locustfile, each user would wait between 5 and 15 seconds between tasks:



The wait_time method should return a number of seconds (or fraction of a second) and can also be declared on a TaskSet class, in which case it will only be used for that TaskSet.

Text Box: class MyLocust(Locust): task_set = MyTaskSet last_wait_time = 0

def wait_time(self): self.last_wait_time += 1 return self.last_wait_time

It’s also possible to declare your own wait_time method directly on a Locust or TaskSet class. The following locust class would start sleeping for one second and then one, two, three, etc.   The weight attribute


Text Box: $ locust -f WebUserLocust MobileUserLocust

If more than one locust class exists in the file, and no locusts are specified on the command line, each new spawn will choose randomly from the existing locusts. Otherwise, you can specify which locusts to use from the same file like so:

If you wish to make one of these locusts execute more often you can set a weight attribute on those classes. Say for example, web users are three times more likely than mobile users:

Text Box: class WebUserLocust(Locust): weight = 3

class MobileUserLocust(Locust): weight = 1
...   The host attribute


The host attribute is a URL prefix (i.e. “”) to the host that is to be loaded. Usually, this is specified in Locust’s web UI or on the command line, using the --host option, when locust is started.

If one declares a host attribute in the locust class, it will be used in the case when no --host is specified on the command line or in the web request.   The tasks attribute


A Locust class can have tasks declared as methods under it using the @task decorator, but one can also specify tasks using the tasks attribute which is descibed in more details below.


2.1.2    Tasks

When a load test is started, an instance of a Locust class will be created for each simulated user and they will start running within their own green thread. When these users run they pick tasks that they execute, sleeps for awhile, and then picks a new task and so on.

The tasks are normal python callables and — if we were load-testing an auction website — they could do stuff like “loading the start page”, “searching for some product”, “making a bid”, etc.   Declaring tasks


Text Box: from locust import Locust, task
from locust.wait_time import constant

class MyLocust(Locust): wait_time = constant(1)

def my_task(self):
print("Locust instance (%r) executing my_task" % self)

The typical way of declaring tasks for a Locust class (or a TaskSet) it to use the task decorator. Here is an example:

@task takes an optional weight argument that can be used to specify the task’s execution ratio. In the following example task2 will have twice the chance of being picked as task1:

Text Box: from locust import Locust, task
from locust.wait_time import between

class MyLocust(Locust): wait_time = between(5, 15)

def task1(self):

def task2(self):
pass   tasks attribute


Using the @task decorator to declare tasks is a convenience, and usually the best way to do it. However, it’s also possible to define the tasks of a Locust or TaskSet by setting the tasks attribute (using the @task decorator will actually just populate the tasks attribute).

The tasks attribute is either a list of Task, or a <Task : int> dict, where Task is either a python callable or a TaskSet class (more on that below). If the task is a normal python function they receive a single argument which is the Locust instance that is executing the task.

Text Box: from locust import Locust, constant

def my_task(l):

class MyLocust(Locust): tasks = [my_task] wait_time = constant(1)

Here is an example of a locust task declared as a normal python function:

If the tasks attribute is specified as a list, each time a task is to be performed, it will be randomly chosen from the tasks attribute. If however, tasks is a dict — with callables as keys and ints as values — the task that is to be executed will be chosen at random but with the int as ratio. So with a tasks that looks like this:




Text Box: {my_task: 3, another_task: 1}

my_task would be 3 times more likely to be executed than another_task.

Text Box: [my_task, my_task, my_task, another_task]

Internally the above dict will actually be expanded into a list (and the tasks attribute is updated) that looks like this:

and then Python’s random.choice() is used pick tasks from the list.


2.1.3    TaskSet class

Text Box: from locust import Locust, TaskSet, between

class ForumSection(TaskSet): @task(10)
def view_thread(self):

def create_thread(self):

def stop(self): self.interrupt()

class LoggedInUser(Locust): wait_time = between(5, 120) tasks = {ForumSection:2}

def index_page(self):

Since real websites are usually built up in an hierarchical way, with multiple sub-sections, locust has the TaskSet class. A locust task can not only be a Python callable, but also a TaskSet class. A TaskSet is a collection of locust tasks that will be executed much like the tasks declared directly on a Locust class, with the user sleeping in between task executions. Here’s a short example of a locustfile that has a TaskSet:

A TaskSet can also be inlined directly under a Locust/TaskSet class using the @task decorator:

Text Box: class MyUser(Locust): @task(1)
class MyTaskSet(TaskSet):

The tasks of a TaskSet class can be other TaskSet classes, allowing them to be nested any number of levels. This allows us to define a behaviour that simulates users in a more realistic way. For example we could define TaskSets with the following structure:






-  Main user behaviour

-  Index page

-  Forum page

- Read thread

- Reply

(continues on next page)



(continued from previous page)

Text Box: -	New thread
-	View next page
-	Browse categories
-	Watch movie
-	Filter movies
-	About page

When a running Locust thread picks a TaskSet class for execution an instance of this class will be created and execution will then go into this TaskSet. What happens then is that one of the TaskSet’s tasks will be picked and executed, and then the thread will sleep for a duration specified by the Locust’s wait_time function (unless a wait_time function has been declared directly on the TaskSet class, in which case it’ll use that function instead), then pick a new task from the TaskSet’s tasks, wait again, and so on.   Interrupting a TaskSet


One important thing to know about TaskSets is that they will never stop executing their tasks, and hand over execution back to their parent Locust/TaskSet, by themselves. This has to be done by the developer by calling the TaskSet. interrupt() method.

interrupt(self, reschedule=True)

Interrupt the TaskSet and hand over execution control back to the parent TaskSet.

If reschedule is True (default), the parent Locust will immediately re-schedule, and execute, a new task

This method should not be called by the root TaskSet (the one that is immediately, attached to the Locust class’

task_set attribute), but rather in nested TaskSet classes further down the hierarchy.

Text Box: class RegisteredUser(Locust): @task
class Forum(TaskSet): @task(5)
def view_thread(self):

def stop(self): self.interrupt()

def frontpage(self):

In the following example, if we didn’t have the stop task that calls self.interrupt(), the simulated user would never stop running tasks from the Forum taskset once it has went into it:

Using the interrupt function, we can — together with task weighting — define how likely it is that a simulated user leaves the forum.   Differences between tasks in TaskSet and Locust classes


One difference for tasks residing under a TaskSet, compared to tasks residing directly under a Locust, is that the argument that they are passed when executed (self for tasks declared as methods with the @task decorator) is a reference to the TaskSet instance, instead of the Locust user instance. The Locust instance can be accessed from within a TaskSet instance through the TaskSet.locust. TaskSets also contains a convenience client attribute that refers to the client attribute on the Locust instance.   Referencing the Locust instance, or the parent TaskSet instance


A TaskSet instance will have the attribute locust point to its Locust instance, and the attribute parent point to its parent TaskSet instance.


2.1.4    TaskSequence class

Text Box: class MyTaskSequence(TaskSequence): @seq_task(1)
def first_task(self):

def second_task(self):

@seq_task(3) @task(10)
def third_task(self):

TaskSequence class is a TaskSet but its tasks will be executed in order. To define this order you should do the following:

In the above example, the order is defined to execute first_task, then second_task and lastly the third_task for 10 times. As you can see, you can compose @seq_task with @task decorator, and of course you can also nest TaskSets within TaskSequences and vice versa.


2.1.5    Setups, Teardowns, on_start, and on_stop

Locust optionally supports Locust level setup and teardown, TaskSet level setup and teardown, and

TaskSet on_start and on_stop   Setups and Teardowns


setup and teardown, whether it’s run on Locust or TaskSet, are methods that are run only once. setup is run before tasks start running, while teardown is run after all tasks have finished and Locust is exiting. This enables you to perform some preparation before tasks start running (like creating a database) and to clean up before the Locust quits (like deleting the database).

To use, simply declare a setup and/or teardown on the Locust or TaskSet class. These methods will be run for you.   The on_start and on_stop methods


A TaskSet class can declare an on_start method or an on_stop method. The on_start method is called when a simulated user starts executing that TaskSet class, while the on_stop <locust.core.TaskSet.on_stop() method is called when the TaskSet is stopped.   Order of events


Since many setup and cleanup operations are dependent on each other, here is the order which they are run:



1.     Locust setup (once)

2.     TaskSet setup (once)

3.     TaskSet on_start (every time a user starts executing a new TaskSet)

4.     TaskSet tasks. . .

5.     TaskSet on_stop (every time a user stops executing a TaskSet, either to run a different one or at shutdown)

6.     TaskSet teardown (once)

7.     Locust teardown (once)

In general, the setup and teardown methods should be complementary.


2.1.6    Making HTTP requests

So far, we’ve only covered the task scheduling part of a Locust user. In order to actually load test a system we need to make HTTP requests. To help us do this, the HttpLocust class exists. When using this class, each instance gets a client attribute which will be an instance of HttpSession which can be used to make HTTP requests.

class HttpLocust(*args, **kwargs)

Represents an HTTP “user” which is to be hatched and attack the system that is to be load tested.

The behaviour of this user is defined by it’s tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the

@task decorator on the methods, or by setting the tasks attribute.

This class creates a client attribute on instantiation which is an HTTP client with support for keeping a user session between requests.

client = None

Instance of HttpSession that is created upon instantiation of Locust. The client support cookies, and therefore keeps the session between HTTP requests.

Text Box: from locust import HttpLocust, task, between

class MyLocust(HttpLocust): wait_time = between(5, 15)

def index(self): self.client.get("/")

def about(self): self.client.get("/about/")

When inheriting from the HttpLocust class, we can use its client attribute to make HTTP requests against the server. Here is an example of a locust file that can be used to load test a site with two URLs; / and /about/:

Using the above Locust class, each simulated user will wait between 5 and 15 seconds between the requests, and / will be requested twice as much as /about/.   Using the HTTP client


Each instance of HttpLocust has an instance of HttpSession in the client attribute. The HttpSession class is actually a subclass of requests.Session and can be used to make HTTP requests, that will be reported to Locust’s statistics, using the get, post, put, delete, head, patch and options methods. The HttpSession instance will preserve cookies between requests so that it can be used to log in to websites and keep a session between requests.



The client attribute can also be referenced from the Locust instance’s TaskSet instances so that it’s easy to retrieve the client and make HTTP requests from within your tasks.

Here’s a simple example that makes a GET request to the /about path (in this case we assume self is an instance of a

Text Box: response = self.client.get("/about")
print("Response status code:", response.status_code)
print("Response content:", response.text)

TaskSet or HttpLocust class:

And here’s an example making a POST request:

Text Box: response ="/login", {"username":"testuser", "password":"secret"})   Safe mode


The HTTP client is configured to run in safe_mode. What this does is that any request that fails due to a connection error, timeout, or similar will not raise an exception, but rather return an empty dummy Response object. The request will be reported as a failure in Locust’s statistics. The returned dummy Response’s content attribute will be set to None, and its status_code will be 0.   Manually controlling if a request should be considered successful or a failure


By default, requests are marked as failed requests unless the HTTP response code is OK (<400). Most of the time, this default is what you want. Sometimes however—for example when testing a URL endpoint that you expect to return 404, or testing a badly designed system that might return 200 OK even though an error occurred—there’s a need for manually controlling if locust should consider a request as a success or a failure.

Text Box: with self.client.get("/", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.content != b"Success": response.failure("Got wrong response")

One can mark requests as failed, even when the response code is OK, by using the catch_response argument and a with statement:

Just as one can mark requests with OK response codes as failures, one can also use catch_response argument together with a with statement to make requests that resulted in an HTTP error code still be reported as a success in the statistics:

Text Box: with self.client.get("/does_not_exist/", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.status_code == 404: response.success()   Grouping requests to URLs with dynamic parameters


It’s very common for websites to have pages whose URLs contain some kind of dynamic parameter(s). Often it makes sense to group these URLs together in Locust’s statistics. This can be done by passing a name argument to the HttpSession's different request methods.

Text Box: # Statistics for these requests will be grouped under: /blog/?id=[id]
for i in range(10):
self.client.get("/blog?id=%i" % i, name="/blog?id=[id]")

Example:   HTTP Proxy settings


To improve performance, we configure requests to not look for HTTP proxy settings in the environment by setting requests.Session’s trust_env attribute to False. If you don’t want this you can manually set locust_instance. client.trust_env to True. For further details, refer to the documentation of requests.


2.1.7    How to structure your test code

It’s important to remember that the is just an ordinary Python module that is imported by Locust. From this module you’re free to import other python code just as you normally would in any Python program. The current working directory is automatically added to python’s sys.path, so any python file/module/packages that resides in the working directory can be imported using the python import statement.

For small tests, keeping all of the test code in a single should work fine, but for larger test suites, you’ll probably want to split the code into multiple files and directories.

How you structure the test source code is ofcourse entirely up to you, but we recommend that you follow Python best practices. Here’s an example file structure of an imaginary Locust project:

     Project root


*          init .py



     requirements.txt (External Python dependencies is often kept in a requirements.txt) A project with multiple different locustfiles could also keep them in a separate subdirectory:

     Project root


*          init .py







Text Box: import common.auth

With any of the above project structure, your locustfile can import common libraries using:













Running your Locust tests






3.1    Running Locust distributed


Once a single machine isn’t enough to simulate the number of users that you need, Locust supports running load tests distributed across multiple machines.

To do this, you start one instance of Locust in master mode using the --master flag. This is the instance that will be running Locust’s web interface where you start the test and see live statistics. The master node doesn’t simulate any users itself. Instead you have to start one or —most likely—multiple worker Locust nodes using the --worker flag, together with the --master-host (to specify the IP/hostname of the master node).

A common set up is to run a single master on one machine, and then run one worker instance per processor core on the worker machines.

Note: Both the master and each worker machine, must have a copy of the locust test scripts when running Locust distributed.


Note: It’s recommended that you start a number of simulated users that are greater than number of locust classes * number of workers when running Locust distributed.

Otherwise - due to the current implementation - you might end up with a distribution of the Locust classes that doesn’t correspond to the Locust classes’ weight attribute. And if the hatch rate is lower than the number of worker nodes, the hatching would occur in “bursts” where all worker node would hatch a single user and then sleep for multiple seconds, hatch another user, sleep and repeat.



3.1.1    Example

To start locust in master mode:




Text Box: locust -f --master

Text Box: locust -f --worker --master-host=

And then on each worker (replace with IP of the master machine):


3.1.2    Options   --master


Sets locust in master mode. The web interface will run on this node.   --worker


Sets locust in worker mode.   --master-host=X.X.X.X


Optionally used together with --worker to set the hostname/IP of the master node (defaults to   --master-port=5557


Optionally used together with --worker to set the port number of the master node (defaults to 5557).   --master-bind-host=X.X.X.X


Optionally used together with --master. Determines what network interface that the master node will bind to. Defaults to * (all available interfaces).   --master-bind-port=5557


Optionally used together with --master. Determines what network ports that the master node will listen to. Defaults to 5557.   --expect-workers=X


Used when starting the master node with --no-web. The master node will then wait until X worker nodes has connected before the test is started.


3.1.3    Running distributed with Docker

See Running Locust with Docker


3.1.4    Running Locust distributed without the web UI

See Running Locust distributed without the web UI


3.1.5    Running Locust distributed in Step Load mode

See Running Locust in Step Load Mode


3.1.6    Increase Locust’s performance

If you’re planning to run large-scale load tests you might be interested to use the alternative HTTP client that’s shipped with Locust. You can read more about it here: Increase Locust’s performance with a faster HTTP client


3.2    Running Locust with Docker


To keep things simple we provide a single Docker image that can run standalone, as a master, or as a worker.


3.2.1    Environment Variables


One of ‘standalone’, ‘master’, or ‘worker’. Defaults to ‘standalone’.


The path inside the container to the locustfile. Defaults to ‘/’


The hostname of the master.


The port used to communicate with the master. Defaults to 5557.


Additional options to pass to locust. Defaults to ‘’


3.2.2    Running your tests

Text Box: FROM locustio/locust

The easiest way to get your tests running is to build an image with your test file built in. Once you’ve written your locustfile you can bake it into a Docker image with a simple Dockerfile:

You’ll need to push the built image to a Docker repository such as Dockerhub, AWS ECR, or GCR in order for dis- tributed infrastructure to be able to pull the image. See your chosen repository’s documentation on how to authenticate with the repository to pull the image.

Text Box: docker run -p 8089:8089 --volume $PWD/dir/of/locustfile:/mnt/locust -e LOCUSTFILE_
˓→PATH=/mnt/locust/ -e TARGET_URL= locustio/locust

For debugging locally you can run a container and pass your locustfile in as a volume:

To run in standalone mode without the web UI, you can use the LOCUST_OPTS environment variable to add the required options:




Text Box: docker run --volume $PWD/dir/of/locustfile:/mnt/locust -e LOCUSTFILE_PATH=/mnt/locust/
˓→ -e TARGET_URL= -e LOCUST_OPTS="--clients=10 --no-web --
˓→run-time=600" locustio/locust

If you are Kubernetes user, you can use the Helm chart to scale and run locust.


3.3    Running Locust without the web UI


Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/ --no-web -c 1000 -r 100

You can run locust without the web UI - for example if you want to run it in some automated flow, like a CI server - by using the --no-web flag together with -c and -r:

-c specifies the number of Locust users to spawn, and -r specifies the hatch rate (number of users to spawn per second).


3.3.1    Setting a time limit for the test

Text Box: $ locust -f --no-web -c 1000 -r 100 --run-time 1h30m

If you want to specify the run time for a test, you can do that with --run-time or -t:

Locust will shutdown once the time is up.


3.3.2    Allow tasks to finish their iteration on shutdown

Text Box: $ locust -f --no-web -c 1000 -r 100 --run-time 1h30m --stop-timeout 99

By default, locust will stop your tasks immediately. If you want to allow your tasks to finish their iteration, you can use --stop-timeout <seconds>.


3.3.3    Running Locust distributed without the web UI

If you want to run Locust distributed without the web UI, you should specify the --expect-workers option when starting the master node, to specify the number of worker nodes that are expected to connect. It will then wait until that many worker nodes have connected before starting the test.


3.4    Increase Locust’s performance with a faster HTTP client


Locust’s default HTTP client uses python-requests. The reason for this is that requests is a very well-maintained python package, that provides a really nice API, that many python developers are familiar with. Therefore, in many cases, we recommend that you use the default HttpLocust which uses requests. However, if you’re planning to run really large scale tests, Locust comes with an alternative HTTP client, FastHttpLocust which uses geventhttpclient instead of requests. This client is significantly faster, and we’ve seen 5x-6x performance increases for making HTTP- requests. This does not necessarily mean that the number of users one can simulate per CPU core will automatically increase 5x-6x, since it also depends on what else the load testing script does. However, if your locust scripts are spending most of their CPU time in making HTTP-requests, you are likely to see signifant performance gains.


3.4.1    How to use FastHttpLocust

Subclass FastHttpLocust instead of HttpLocust:


Note: FastHttpLocust uses a whole other HTTP client implementation, with a different API, compared to the de- fault HttpLocust that uses python-requests. Therefore FastHttpLocust might not work as a drop-in replacement for HttpLocust, depending on how the HttpClient is used.



3.4.2    API   FastHttpLocust class


class FastHttpLocust(environment)

FastHttpLocust uses a different HTTP client (geventhttpclient) compared to HttpLocust (python-requests). It’s significantly faster, but not as capable.

The behaviour of this user is defined by it’s tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the

@task decorator on the methods, or by setting the tasks attribute.

This class creates a client attribute on instantiation which is an HTTP client with support for keeping a user session between requests.

connection_timeout = 60.0

Parameter passed to FastHttpSession

insecure = True

Parameter passed to FastHttpSession. Default True, meaning no SSL verification.

max_redirects = 5

Parameter passed to FastHttpSession. Default 5, meaning 4 redirects.

max_retries = 1

Parameter passed to FastHttpSession. Default 1, meaning zero retries.

network_timeout = 60.0

Parameter passed to FastHttpSession   FastHttpSession class


class FastHttpSession(environment: locust.env.Environment, base_url: str, **kwargs)


get(path, **kwargs)

Sends a GET request



head(path, **kwargs)

Sends a HEAD request

options(path, **kwargs)

Sends a OPTIONS request

patch(path, data=None, **kwargs)

Sends a POST request

post(path, data=None, **kwargs)

Sends a POST request

put(path, data=None, **kwargs)

Sends a PUT request

request(method: str, path: str, name: str = None, data: str = None, catch_response: bool = False, stream: bool = False, headers: dict = None, auth=None, json: dict = None, **kwargs)

Send and HTTP request Returns locust.contrib.fasthttp.FastResponse object.


    method method for the new Request object.

    path Path that will be concatenated with the base host URL that has been specified. Can also be a full URL, in which case the full URL will be requested, and the base host is ignored.

    name – (optional) An argument that can be specified to use as label in Locust’s statistics instead of the URL path. This can be used to group different URL’s that are requested into a single entry in Locust’s statistics.

    catch_response – (optional) Boolean argument that, if set, can be used to make a request return a context manager to work as argument to a with statement. This will allow the request to be marked as a fail based on the content of the response, even if the response code is ok (2xx). The opposite also works, one can use catch_response to catch a request and then mark it as successful even if the response code was not (i.e 500 or 404).

    data (optional) String/bytes to send in the body of the request.

    json (optional) Dictionary to send in the body of the request. Automatically sets Content-Type and Accept headers to “application/json”. Only used if data is not set.

    headers (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the request.

    auth (optional) Auth (username, password) tuple to enable Basic HTTP Auth.

    stream (optional) If set to true the response body will not be consumed immediately and can instead be consumed by accessing the stream attribute on the Response object. Another side effect of setting stream to True is that the time for downloading the response content will not be accounted for in the request time that is reported by Locust.

class FastResponse(ghc_response, request=None, sent_request=None)



Unzips if necessary and buffers the received body. Careful with large files!

headers = None

Dict like object containing the response headers

json() dict

Parses the response as json and returns a dict




Returns the text content of the response as a decoded string













Other functionalities






4.1    Running Locust in Step Load Mode


Text Box: $ locust -f locust_files/ --step-load

If you want to monitor your service performance with different user load and probe the max tps that can be achieved, you can run Locust with Step Load enabled with --step-load:


4.1.1    Options   --step-load


Enable Step Load mode to monitor how performance metrics varies when user load increases.   --step-clients


Client count to increase by step in Step Load mode. Only used together with --step-load.   --step-time


Step duration in Step Load mode, e.g. (300s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with --step-load.   Running Locust in step load mode without the web UI


If you want to run Locust in step load mode without the web UI, you can do that with --step-clients and






Locust will swarm the clients by step and shutdown once the time is up.   Running Locust distributed in step load mode


If you want to run Locust distributed in step load mode, you should specify the --step-load option when starting the master node,  to swarm locusts by step. It will then show the --step-clients option and --step-time option in Locust UI.


4.2    Retrieve test statistics in CSV format


You may wish to consume your Locust results via a CSV file. In this case, there are two ways to do this. First, when running Locust with the web UI, you can retrieve CSV files under the Download Data tab.

Text Box: $ locust -f examples/ --csv=example --no-web -t10m

Secondly, you can run Locust with a flag which will periodically save two CSV files. This is particularly useful if you plan on running Locust in an automated way with the --no-web flag:

The files will be named example_response_times.csv and example_stats.csv (when using

--csv=example) and mirror Locust’s built in stat pages.

Text Box: import locust.stats
locust.stats.CSV_STATS_INTERVAL_SEC = 5 # default is 2 seconds

You can also customize how frequently this is written if you desire faster (or slower) writing:

This data will write two files with _response_times.csv and _stats.csv added to the name you give:

Text Box: $ cat example_response_times.csv
"Name","# requests","50%","66%","75%","80%","90%","95%","98%","99%","99.9%","99.99%",
"GET /",31,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
"/does_not_exist",0,"N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A","N/A" "GET /stats/requests",38,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5
"None Total",69,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5

Text Box: $ cat example_stats.csv
"Type","Name","# requests","# failures","Median response time","Average response time
˓→","Min response time","Max response time","Average Content Size","Requests/s" "GET","/",51,0,4,3,2,6,12274,0.89



4.3    Testing other systems using custom clients


Locust was built with HTTP as its main target. However, it can easily be extended to load test any request/response based system, by writing a custom client that triggers request_success and request_failure events.


4.3.1    Sample XML-RPC Locust client

Here is an example of a Locust class, XmlRpcLocust, which provides an XML-RPC client, XmlRpcClient, and tracks all requests made:

import time

from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy, Fault


from locust import Locust, task, between



class XmlRpcClient(ServerProxy):


Simple, sample XML RPC client implementation that wraps xmlrpclib.ServerProxy and fires locust events on request_success and request_failure, so that all requests gets tracked in locust's statistics.


_locust_environment = None def getattr (self, name):

func = ServerProxy. getattr (self, name)

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() try:

result = func(*args, **kwargs)

except Fault as e:

total_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)

˓→"xmlrpc", name=name, response_time=total_time, exception=e)


total_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)

˓→"xmlrpc", name=name, response_time=total_time, response_length=0)

# In this example, I've hardcoded response_length=0. If we would want

˓→the response length to be

# reported correctly in the statistics, we would probably need to

˓→hook in at a lower level


return wrapper



class XmlRpcLocust(Locust):


This is the abstract Locust class which should be subclassed. It provides an XML-

˓→RPC client

that can be used to make XML-RPC requests that will be tracked in Locust's



abstract = True

def init (self, *args, **kwargs): super(XmlRpcLocust, self). init (*args, **kwargs) self.client = XmlRpcClient( self.client._locust_environment = self.environment



class ApiUser(XmlRpcLocust):

host = ""

(continues on next page)

4.3. Testing other systems using custom clients                                                                     31

(continued from previous page)

Text Box: wait_time = between(0.1, 1)

def get_time(self): self.client.get_time()

def get_random_number(self): self.client.get_random_number(0, 100)

If you’ve written Locust tests before, you’ll recognize the class called ApiUser which is a normal Locust class that has a couple of tasks declared. However, the ApiUser inherits from XmlRpcLocust that you can see right above ApiUser. The XmlRpcLocust is marked as abstract using abstract = True which means that Locust till not try to create simulated users from that class (only of classes that extends it). XmlRpcLocust provides an instance of XmlRpcClient under the client attribute.

The XmlRpcClient is a wrapper around the standard library’s xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy. It ba- sically just proxies the function calls, but with the important addition of firing locust.event.Events. request_success and locust.event.Events.request_failure events, which will record all calls in Locust’s statistics.

Text Box: import random import time
from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer

def get_time(): time.sleep(random.random()) return time.time()

def get_random_number(low, high): time.sleep(random.random()) return random.randint(low, high)

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8877)) print("Listening on port 8877...") server.register_function(get_time, "get_time") server.register_function(get_random_number, "get_random_number") server.serve_forever()

Here’s an implementation of an XML-RPC server that would work as a server for the code above:


4.4    Extending Locust


Locust comes with a number of events hooks that can be used to extend Locust in different ways.

Event hooks live on the Environment instance under the events attribute. However, since the Environment instance hasn’t been created when locustfiles are imported, the events object can also be accessed at the module level of the locustfile through the variable.

Here’s an example on how to set up an event listener:




from locust import events



(continues on next page)



(continued from previous page)

Text Box: def my_success_handler(request_type, name, response_time, response_length, **kw): print("Successfully made a request to: %s" % name)

Note: It’s highly recommended that you add a wildcard keyword argument in your listeners (the **kw in the code above), to prevent your code from breaking if new arguments are added in a future version.


See also:

To see all available event, please see Event hooks.


4.4.1    Adding Web Routes

Locust uses Flask to serve the web UI and therefore it is easy to add web end-points to the web UI. By listening to the

Text Box: from locust import events

def on_locust_init(web_ui, **kw):"/added_page") def my_added_page():
return "Another page"

init event, we can retrieve a reference to the Flask app instance and use that to set up a new route:

You should now be able to start locust and browse to


4.5    Logging


Locust comes with a basic logging configuration that optionally takes --loglevel and/or --logfile to modify the configuration. If you want to control the logging configuration you can supply the --skip-log-setup flag, which ignores the other parameters.


4.5.1    Options   --skip-log-setup


Disable Locust’s logging setup. Instead, the configuration is provided by the Locust test or Python defaults.   --loglevel


Choose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL. Default is INFO. The short-hand version is -L.   --logfile


Path to log file. If not set, log will go to stdout/stderr.


4.6    Using Locust as a library


Text Box: import gevent
from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task, between
from locust.runners import LocalLocustRunner
from locust.env import Environment from locust.stats import stats_printer from locust.log import setup_logging from locust.web import WebUI

setup_logging("INFO", None)

class User(HttpLocust): wait_time = between(1, 3)
host = ""

class task_set(TaskSet): @task
def my_task(self): self.client.get("/")

def task_404(self):

# setup Environment and Runner
env = Environment()
runner = LocalLocustRunner(environment=env, locust_classes=[User])
# start a WebUI instance
web_ui = WebUI(environment=env)
gevent.spawn(lambda: web_ui.start("", 8089))

# start a greenlet that periodically outputs the current stats

# start the test
runner.start(1, hatch_rate=10)
# wait for the greenlets (indefinitely)

It’s possible to use Locust as a library instead of running Locust by invoking the locust command. Here’s an example:


















5.1    API


5.1.1    Locust class

class Locust(environment)

Represents a “user” which is to be hatched and attack the system that is to be load tested.

The behaviour of this user is defined by it’s tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the

@task decorator on the methods, or by setting the tasks attribute.

This class should usually be subclassed by a class that defines some kind of client. For example when load testing an HTTP system, you probably want to use the HttpLocust class.

abstract = True

If abstract is True it the class is meant to be subclassed (users of this class itself will not be spawned during a test)

tasks = []

Collection of python callables and/or TaskSet classes that the Locust user(s) will run. If tasks is a list, the task to be performed will be picked randomly.

Text Box: class ForumPage(TaskSet):
tasks = {ThreadPage:15, write_post:1}

If tasks is a (callable,int) list of two-tuples, or a {callable:int} dict, the task to be performed will be picked randomly, but each task will be weighted according to it’s corresponding int value. So in the following case ThreadPage will be fifteen times more likely to be picked than write_post:

wait_time = None

Method that returns the time (in seconds) between the execution of locust tasks. Can be overridden for individual TaskSets.





Text Box: from locust import Locust, between
class User(Locust):
wait_time = between(3, 25)

weight = 10

Probability of locust being chosen. The higher the weight, the greater is the chance of it being chosen.


5.1.2    HttpLocust class

class HttpLocust(*args, **kwargs)

Represents an HTTP “user” which is to be hatched and attack the system that is to be load tested.

The behaviour of this user is defined by it’s tasks. Tasks can be declared either directly on the class by using the

@task decorator on the methods, or by setting the tasks attribute.

This class creates a client attribute on instantiation which is an HTTP client with support for keeping a user session between requests.

abstract = True

If abstract is True it the class is meant to be subclassed (users of this class itself will not be spawned during a test)

client = None

Instance of HttpSession that is created upon instantiation of Locust. The client support cookies, and therefore keeps the session between HTTP requests.


5.1.3    TaskSet class

class TaskSet(parent)

Class defining a set of tasks that a Locust user will execute.

When a TaskSet starts running, it will pick a task from the tasks attribute, execute it, and then sleep for the number of seconds returned by it’s wait_time function. If no wait_time method has been declared on the TaskSet, it’ll call the wait_time function on the Locust by default. It will then schedule another task for execution and so on.

TaskSets can be nested, which means that a TaskSet’s tasks attribute can contain another TaskSet. If the nested TaskSet it scheduled to be executed, it will be instantiated and called from the current executing TaskSet. Ex- ecution in the currently running TaskSet will then be handed over to the nested TaskSet which will continue to run until it throws an InterruptTaskSet exception, which is done when TaskSet.interrupt() is called. (execution will then continue in the first TaskSet).


Reference to the client attribute of the root Locust instance.


Interrupt the TaskSet and hand over execution control back to the parent TaskSet.

If reschedule is True (default), the parent Locust will immediately re-schedule, and execute, a new task

This method should not be called by the root TaskSet (the one that is immediately, attached to the Locust class’ task_set attribute), but rather in nested TaskSet classes further down the hierarchy.

locust = None

Will refer to the root Locust class instance when the TaskSet has been instantiated



parent = None

Will refer to the parent TaskSet, or Locust, class instance when the TaskSet has been instantiated. Useful for nested TaskSet classes.

schedule_task(task_callable, args=None, kwargs=None, first=False)

Add a task to the Locust’s task execution queue.


    task_callable: Locust task to schedule

    args: Arguments that will be passed to the task callable

    kwargs: Dict of keyword arguments that will be passed to the task callable.

    first: Optional keyword argument. If True, the task will be put first in the queue.

tasks = []

Collection of python callables and/or TaskSet classes that the Locust user(s) will run. If tasks is a list, the task to be performed will be picked randomly.

Text Box: class ForumPage(TaskSet):
tasks = {ThreadPage:15, write_post:1}

If tasks is a (callable,int) list of two-tuples, or a {callable:int} dict, the task to be performed will be picked randomly, but each task will be weighted according to it’s corresponding int value. So in the following case ThreadPage will be fifteen times more likely to be picked than write_post:


Method that returns the time (in seconds) between the execution of tasks. Example:

Text Box: from locust import TaskSet, between
class Tasks(TaskSet): wait_time = between(3, 25)


5.1.4    task decorator


Text Box: class ForumPage(TaskSet): @task(100)
def read_thread(self):

def create_thread(self):

Used as a convenience decorator to be able to declare tasks for a Locust or a TaskSet inline in the class. Example:


5.1.5    TaskSequence class

class TaskSequence(parent)

Class defining a sequence of tasks that a Locust user will execute.

When a TaskSequence starts running, it will pick the task in index from the tasks attribute, execute it, and call its wait_function which will define a time to sleep for. This defaults to a uniformly distributed random number



between min_wait and max_wait milliseconds. It will then schedule the index + 1 % len(tasks) task for execution and so on.

TaskSequence can be nested with TaskSet, which means that a TaskSequence’s tasks attribute can contain TaskSet instances as well as other TaskSequence instances. If the nested TaskSet is scheduled to be executed, it will be instantiated and called from the current executing TaskSet. Execution in the currently running TaskSet will then be handed over to the nested TaskSet which will continue to run until it throws an InterruptTaskSet exception, which is done when TaskSet.interrupt() is called. (execution will then continue in the first TaskSet).

In this class, tasks should be defined as a list, or simply define the tasks with the @seq_task decorator


Reference to the client attribute of the root Locust instance.


Interrupt the TaskSet and hand over execution control back to the parent TaskSet.

If reschedule is True (default), the parent Locust will immediately re-schedule, and execute, a new task

This method should not be called by the root TaskSet (the one that is immediately, attached to the Locust class’ task_set attribute), but rather in nested TaskSet classes further down the hierarchy.

schedule_task(task_callable, args=None, kwargs=None, first=False)

Add a task to the Locust’s task execution queue.


    task_callable: Locust task to schedule

    args: Arguments that will be passed to the task callable

    kwargs: Dict of keyword arguments that will be passed to the task callable.

    first: Optional keyword argument. If True, the task will be put first in the queue.


Method that returns the time (in seconds) between the execution of tasks. Example:

Text Box: from locust import TaskSet, between
class Tasks(TaskSet): wait_time = between(3, 25)


5.1.6    seq_task decorator


Used as a convenience decorator to be able to declare tasks for a TaskSequence inline in the class. Example:










class NormalUser(TaskSequence): @seq_task(1)

def login_first(self):




@task(25) # You can also set the weight in order to execute the task for

˓→`weight` times one after another.

def then_read_thread(self):


(continues on next page)



(continued from previous page)

Text Box: @seq_task(3)
def then_logout(self):


5.1.7    Built in wait_time functions

between(min_wait, max_wait)

Returns a function that will return a random number between min_wait and max_wait. Example:

Text Box: class User(Locust):
# wait between 3.0 and 10.5 seconds after each task
wait_time = between(3.0, 10.5)


Returns a function that just returns the number specified by the wait_time argument Example:

Text Box: class User(Locust): wait_time = constant(3)


Returns a function that will track the run time of the tasks, and for each time it’s called it will return a wait time that will try to make the total time between task execution equal to the time specified by the wait_time argument.

Text Box: class User(Locust):
wait_time = constant_pacing(1)
class task_set(TaskSet): @task
def my_task(self): time.sleep(random.random())

In the following example the task will always be executed once every second, no matter the task execution time:

If a task execution exceeds the specified wait_time, the wait will be 0 before starting the next task.


5.1.8    HttpSession class

class HttpSession(base_url, request_success, request_failure, *args, **kwargs)

Class for performing web requests and holding (session-) cookies between requests (in order to be able to log in and out of websites). Each request is logged so that locust can display statistics.

This is a slightly extended version of python-request’s requests.Session class and mostly this class works exactly the same. However the methods for making requests (get, post, delete, put, head, options, patch, request) can now take a url argument that’s only the path part of the URL, in which case the host part of the URL will be prepended with the HttpSession.base_url which is normally inherited from a Locust class’ host property.

Each of the methods for making requests also takes two additional optional arguments which are Locust specific and doesn’t exist in python-requests. These are:




    name – (optional) An argument that can be specified to use as label in Locust’s statistics instead of the URL path. This can be used to group different URL’s that are requested into a single entry in Locust’s statistics.

    catch_response – (optional) Boolean argument that, if set, can be used to make a re- quest return a context manager to work as argument to a with statement. This will allow the request to be marked as a fail based on the content of the response, even if the response code is ok (2xx). The opposite also works, one can use catch_response to catch a request and then mark it as successful even if the response code was not (i.e 500 or 404).

     init (base_url, request_success, request_failure, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

delete(url, **kwargs)

Sends a DELETE request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

get(url, **kwargs)

Sends a GET request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

head(url, **kwargs)

Sends a HEAD request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

options(url, **kwargs)

Sends a OPTIONS request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

patch(url, data=None, **kwargs)

Sends a PATCH request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the Request.



    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

post(url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs)

Sends a POST request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the Request.

    json (optional) json to send in the body of the Request.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

put(url, data=None, **kwargs)

Sends a PUT request. Returns Response object.


    url URL for the new Request object.

    data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the Request.

    **kwargs Optional arguments that request takes.

Return type requests.Response

request(method, url, name=None, catch_response=False, **kwargs)

Constructs and sends a requests.Request. Returns requests.Response object.


    method method for the new Request object.

    url URL for the new Request object.

    name – (optional) An argument that can be specified to use as label in Locust’s statistics instead of the URL path. This can be used to group different URL’s that are requested into a single entry in Locust’s statistics.

    catch_response – (optional) Boolean argument that, if set, can be used to make a request return a context manager to work as argument to a with statement. This will allow the request to be marked as a fail based on the content of the response, even if the response code is ok (2xx). The opposite also works, one can use catch_response to catch a request and then mark it as successful even if the response code was not (i.e 500 or 404).

    params (optional) Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string for the Request.

    data (optional) Dictionary or bytes to send in the body of the Request.

    headers (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request.

    cookies (optional) Dict or CookieJar object to send with the Request.

    files (optional) Dictionary of 'filename': file-like-objects for multi- part encoding upload.

    auth (optional) Auth tuple or callable to enable Basic/Digest/Custom HTTP Auth.



    timeout (float or tuple) (optional) How long in seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple.

    allow_redirects (bool) (optional) Set to True by default.

    proxies (optional) Dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.

    stream (optional) whether to immediately download the response content. Defaults to


    verify (optional) if True, the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided.

    cert (optional) if String, path to ssl client cert file (.pem). If Tuple, (‘cert’, ‘key’) pair.


5.1.9    Response class

This class actually resides in the python-requests library, since that’s what Locust is using to make HTTP requests, but it’s included in the API docs for locust since it’s so central when writing locust load tests. You can also look at the Response class at the requests documentation.

class Response

The Response object, which contains a server’s response to an HTTP request.


The apparent encoding, provided by the chardet library.


Releases the connection back to the pool. Once this method has been called the underlying raw object must not be accessed again.

Note: Should not normally need to be called explicitly.


Content of the response, in bytes.

cookies = None

A CookieJar of Cookies the server sent back.

elapsed = None

The amount of time elapsed between sending the request and the arrival of the response (as a timedelta). This property specifically measures the time taken between sending the first byte of the request and finish- ing parsing the headers. It is therefore unaffected by consuming the response content or the value of the stream keyword argument.

encoding = None

Encoding to decode with when accessing r.text.

headers = None

Case-insensitive Dictionary of Response Headers. For example, headers['content-encoding']

will return the value of a 'Content-Encoding' response header.

history = None

A list of Response objects from the history of the Request. Any redirect responses will end up here. The list is sorted from the oldest to the most recent request.


True if this Response one of the permanent versions of redirect.


True if this Response is a well-formed HTTP redirect that could have been processed automatically (by




iter_content(chunk_size=1, decode_unicode=False)

Iterates over the response data. When stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for large responses. The chunk size is the number of bytes it should read into memory. This is not necessarily the length of each item returned as decoding can take place.

chunk_size must be of type int or None. A value of None will function differently depending on the value of stream. stream=True will read data as it arrives in whatever size the chunks are received. If stream=False, data is returned as a single chunk.

If decode_unicode is True, content will be decoded using the best available encoding based on the response.

iter_lines(chunk_size=512, decode_unicode=False, delimiter=None)

Iterates over the response data, one line at a time. When stream=True is set on the request, this avoids reading the content at once into memory for large responses.

Note: This method is not reentrant safe.



Returns the json-encoded content of a response, if any.

Parameters **kwargs Optional arguments that json.loads takes.

Raises ValueError If the response body does not contain valid json.


Returns the parsed header links of the response, if any.


Returns a PreparedRequest for the next request in a redirect chain, if there is one.


Returns True if status_code is less than 400, False if not.

This attribute checks if the status code of the response is between 400 and 600 to see if there was a client error or a server error. If the status code is between 200 and 400, this will return True. This is not a check to see if the response code is 200 OK.


Raises stored HTTPError, if one occurred.

raw = None

File-like object representation of response (for advanced usage). Use of raw requires that stream=True

be set on the request. This requirement does not apply for use internally to Requests.

reason = None

Textual reason of responded HTTP Status, e.g. “Not Found” or “OK”.

request = None

The PreparedRequest object to which this is a response.

status_code = None

Integer Code of responded HTTP Status, e.g. 404 or 200.


Content of the response, in unicode.

If Response.encoding is None, encoding will be guessed using chardet.

The encoding of the response content is determined based solely on HTTP headers, following RFC 2616 to the letter. If you can take advantage of non-HTTP knowledge to make a better guess at the encoding, you should set r.encoding appropriately before accessing this property.



url = None

Final URL location of Response.


5.1.10    ResponseContextManager class

class ResponseContextManager(response, request_success, request_failure)

A Response class that also acts as a context manager that provides the ability to manually control if an HTTP request should be marked as successful or a failure in Locust’s statistics

This class is a subclass of Response with two additional methods: success and failure.


Report the response as a failure.

exc can be either a python exception, or a string in which case it will be wrapped inside a CatchRespon- seError.

Text Box: with self.client.get("/", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.content == b"": response.failure("No data")



Report the response as successful Example:

Text Box: with self.client.get("/does/not/exist", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.status_code == 404: response.success()


5.1.11    InterruptTaskSet Exception

exception InterruptTaskSet(reschedule=True)

Exception that will interrupt a Locust when thrown inside a task


5.1.12    Environment class

class Environment(events=None, options=None, host=None, reset_stats=False, step_load=False, stop_timeout=None)

events = None

Event hooks used by Locust internally, as well as to extend Locust’s functionality See Event hooks for available events.

host = None

Base URL of the target system

master_bind_host = '*'

Hostname/interfaces that the master node should expect workers to connect to. Defaults to ‘*’ which

means all interfaces.

master_bind_port = 5557

Port that the master node should listen to and expect workers to connect to. Defaults to 5557.



master_host = ''

Hostname of master node that the worker should connect to

master_port = 5557

Port of master node that the worker should connect to. Defaults to 5557.

options = None

Parsed command line options

reset_stats = False

Determines if stats should be reset once all simulated users have been spawned

runner = None

Reference to the LocustRunner instance

step_load = False

Determines if we’re running in step load mode

stop_timeout = None

If set, the runner will try to stop the runnning users gracefully and wait this many seconds before killing them hard.

web_ui = None

Reference to the WebUI instance


5.1.13    Event hooks

Locust provide event hooks that can be used to extend Locus in various ways.

The following event hooks are available under, and there’s also a reference to these events under that can be used at the module level of locust scripts (since the Environment instance hasn’t been created when the locustfile is imported).

class Events



hatch_complete is fired when all locust users has been spawned. Event is fire with the following arguments:

    user_count: Number of users that was hatched alias of EventHook


init is fired when Locust is started, once the Environment instance and locust runner instance have been created. This hook can be used by end-users’ code to run code that requires access to the Envirionment. For example to register listeners to request_success, request_failure or other events.

Event is fired with following arguments:

    environment: Environment instance alias of EventHook


Event that can be used to add command line options to Locust

Event is fired with the following arguments: * parser: ArgumentParser instance alias of EventHook




locust_error is fired when an exception occurs inside the execution of a Locust class. Event is fired with the following arguments:

    locust_instance: Locust class instance where the exception occurred

    exception: Exception that was thrown

    tb: Traceback object (from sys.exc_info()[2]) alias of EventHook


locust_start_hatching is fired when we initiate the hatching process on any locust worker. alias of EventHook


locust_stop_hatching is fired when terminate the hatching process on any locust worker. alias of EventHook


master_start_hatching is fired when we initiate the hatching process on the master. This event is especially useful to detect when the ‘start’ button is clicked on the web ui. alias of EventHook


master_stop_hatching is fired when terminate the hatching process on the master.

This event is especially useful to detect when the ‘stop’ button is clicked on the web ui. alias of EventHook


quitting is fired when the locust process is exiting alias of EventHook


report_to_master is used when Locust is running in –worker mode.  It can be used to attach data to the dicts that are regularly sent to the master. It’s fired regularly when a report is to be sent to the master server.

Note that the keys “stats” and “errors” are used by Locust and shouldn’t be overridden. Event is fired with the following arguments:

    client_id: The client id of the running locust process.

    data: Data dict that can be modified in order to attach data that should be sent to the master. alias of EventHook


request_failure is fired when a request fails Event is fired with the following arguments:

    request_type: Request type method used

    name: Path to the URL that was called (or override name if it was used in the call to the client)

    response_time: Time in milliseconds until exception was thrown

    response_length: Content-length of the response



    exception: Exception instance that was thrown alias of EventHook


request_success is fired when a request is completed successfully. Listeners should take the following arguments:

    request_type: Request type method used

    name: Path to the URL that was called (or override name if it was used in the call to the client)

    response_time: Response time in milliseconds

    response_length: Content-length of the response alias of EventHook


worker_report is used when Locust is running in –master mode and is fired when the master server receives a report from a Locust worker server.

This event can be used to aggregate data from the locust worker servers. Event is fired with following arguments:

    client_id: Client id of the reporting worker

    data: Data dict with the data from the worker node alias of EventHook EventHook class


The event hooks are instances of the class:

class EventHook

Simple event class used to provide hooks for different types of events in Locust. Here’s how to use the EventHook class:

Text Box: my_event = EventHook()
def on_my_event(a, b, **kw):
print("Event was fired with arguments: %s, %s" % (a, b)) my_event.add_listener(on_my_event)"foo", b="bar")

If reverse is True, then the handlers will run in the reverse order that they were inserted

Note: It’s highly recommended that you add a wildcard keyword argument in your event listeners to prevent your code from breaking if new arguments are added in a future version.








Third-party tools






6.1    Third party tools


6.1.1    Support for other sampler protocols, reporting etc

     Locust Plugins


6.1.2    Automate distributed runs with no manual steps

     Locust Swarm


6.1.3    Using other languages

A Locust master and a Locust worker communicate by exchanging msgpack messages, which is supported by many languages. So, you can write your Locust tasks in any languages you like. For convenience, some libraries do the job as a worker runner. They run your Locust tasks, and report to master regularly.   Golang


     Boomer   Java





6.1.4    Configuration Management

Deploying Locust is easy, but here and there some tools can still provide a measure of convenience.

tinx.locust is an Ansible role to install, configure and control Locust as a systemd service, or to build Locust docker images using ansible-container. Also manages locustfiles and accompanying test data.













7.1    Changelog Highlights


For full details of the Locust changelog, please see


7.1.1    In development (master) 7.1.2 0.14.0

     Drop Python 2 and Python 3.5 support!

     Continuously measure CPU usage and emit a warning if we get a five second average above 90%

     Show CPU usage of slave nodes in the Web UI

     Fixed issue when running Locust distributed and new slave nodes connected during the hatching/ramp-up phase (


7.1.3 0.13.5

Various minor fixes, mainly regarding FastHttpLocust.


7.1.4 0.13.4

Identical to previous version, but now built & deployed to Pypi using Travis.


7.1.5 0.13.3

     Unable to properly connect multiple slaves -

     Zero exit code on exception -



     –stop-timeout is not respected when changing number of running Users in distributed mode - locustio/locust/issues/1162


7.1.6 0.13.2

     Fixed bug that broke the Web UI’s repsonse time graph


7.1.7 0.13.1

     Fixed crash bug on Python 3.8.0

     Various other bug fixes and improvements.


7.1.8 0.13.0

     New API for specifying wait time - Example of the new API:

Text Box: from locust import HttpLocust, between
class User(HttpLocust):
# wait between 5 and 30 seconds
wait_time = between(5, 30)

There are three built in wait time functions: between, constant and constant_pacing.

     FastHttpLocust: Accept self signed SSL certificates, ignore host checks. Improved response code handling

     Add current working dir to sys.path -

     Web UI improvements: Added 90th percentile to table, failure per seconds as a series in the chart

     Ability to specify host in web ui

     Added response_length to request_failure event -

     Added p99.9 and p99.99 to request stats distribution csv -

     Various other bug fixes and improvements.


7.1.9 0.12.2

     Added –skip-log-setup to disable Locust’s default logging setup.

     Added –stop-timeout to allow tasks to finish running their iteration before stopping

     Added 99.9 and 99.99 percentile response times to csv output

     Allow custom clients to set request response time to None. Those requests will be excluded when calculating median, average, min, max and percentile response times.

     Renamed the last row in statistics table from “Total” to “Aggregated” (since the values aren’t a sum of the individual table rows).

     Some visual improvements to the web UI.

     Fixed issue with simulating fewer number of locust users than the number of slave/worker nodes.

     Fixed bugs in the web UI related to the fact that the stats table is truncated at 500 entries.



     Various other bug fixes and improvements.


7.1.10 0.12.1

     Added new FastHttpLocust class that uses a faster HTTP client, which should be 5-6 times faster than the normal HttpLocust class. For more info see the documentation on increasing performance.

     Added ability to set the exit code of the locust process when exceptions has occurred within the user code, using the --exit-code-on-error parameter.

     Added TCP keep alive to master/slave communication sockets to avoid broken connections in some environ- ments.

     Dropped support for Python 3.4

     Numerous other bug fixes and improvements.


7.1.11 0.10.0

     Python 3.7 support

     Added a status page to the web UI when running Locust distributed showing the status of slave nodes and detect down slaves using heartbeats

     Numerous bugfixes/documentation updates (see detailed changelog)


7.1.12 0.9.0

     Added detailed changelog (

     Numerous bugfixes (see detailed changelog)

     Added sequential task support -

     Added support for user-defined wait_function -

     By   default,   Locust   no   longer   resets   the   statistics   when   the   hatching   is   complete. Therefore

--no-reset-stats has been deprected (since it’s now the default behaviour), and instead a new

--reset-stats option has been added.

     Dropped support for Python 3.3

     Updated documentation


7.1.13 0.8.1

     Updated pyzmq version, and changed so that we don’t pin a specific version. This makes it easier to install Locust on Windows.


7.1.14 0.8

     Python 3 support

     Dropped support for Python 2.6

     Added --no-reset-stats option for controling if the statistics should be reset once the hatching is com- plete



     Added charts to the web UI for requests per second, average response time, and number of simulated users.

     Updated the design of the web UI.

     Added ability to write a CSV file for results via command line flag

     Added the URL of the host that is currently being tested to the web UI.

     We now also apply gevent’s monkey patching of threads. This fixes an issue when using Locust to test Cassandra (

     Various bug fixes and improvements


7.1.15 0.7.5

     Use version 1.1.1 of gevent. Fixes an install issue on certain versions of python.


7.1.16 0.7.4

     Use a newer version of requests, which fixed an issue for users with older versions of requests getting Connec- tionErrors (

     Various fixes to documentation.


7.1.17 0.7.3

     Fixed bug where POST requests (and other methods as well) got incorrectly reported as GET requests, if the request resulted in a redirect.

     Added ability to download exceptions in CSV format. Download links has also been moved to it’s own tab in the web UI.


7.1.18 0.7.2

     Locust now returns an exit code of 1 when any failed requests were reported.

     When making an HTTP request to an endpoint that responds with a redirect, the original URL that was requested is now used as the name for that entry in the statistics (unless an explicit override is specified through the name argument). Previously, the last URL in the redirect chain was used to label the request(s) in the statistics.

     Fixed bug which caused only the time of the last request in a redirect chain to be included in the reported time.

     Fixed bug which caused the download time of the request body not to be included in the reported response time.

     Fixed bug that occurred on some linux dists that were tampering with the python-requests system package (removing dependencies which requests is bundling). This bug only occured when installing Locust in the python system packages, and not when using virtualenv.

     Various minor fixes and improvements.


7.1.19 0.7.1

     Exceptions that occurs within TaskSets are now catched by default.

     Fixed bug which caused Min response time to always be 0 after all locusts had been hatched and the statistics had been reset.



     Minor UI improvements in the web interface.

     Handle messages from “zombie” slaves by ignoring the message and making a log entry in the master process.


7.1.20 0.7   HTTP client functionality moved to HttpLocust


Previously, the Locust class instantiated a HttpSession under the client attribute that was used to make HTTP requests. This funcionality has now been moved into the HttpLocust class, in an effort to make it more obvious how one can use Locust to load test non-HTTP systems.

To make existing locust scripts compatible with the new version you should make your locust classes inherit from HttpLocust instead of the base Locust class.   msgpack for serializing master/slave data


Locust now uses msgpack for serializing data that is sent between a master node and it’s slaves. This adresses a possible attack that can be used to execute code remote, if one has access to the internal locust ports that are used for master-slave communication. The reason for this exploit was due to the fact that pickle was used.

Text Box: Warning:	Anyone who uses an older version should make sure that their Locust machines are not publicly accessible on port 5557 and 5558. Also, one should never run Locust as root.


Anyone who uses the report_to_master and slave_report events, needs to make sure that any data that is attached to the slave reports is serializable by msgpack.   requests updated to version 2.2


Locust updated requests to the latest major release.

Note: Requests 1.0 introduced some major API changes (and 2.0 just a few). Please check if you are using any internal features and check the documentation: Migrating to 1.x and Migrationg to 2.x   gevent updated to version 1.0


gevent 1.0 has now been released and Locust has been updated accordingly.   Big refactoring of request statistics code


Refactored RequestStats.

     Created StatsEntry which represents a single stats entry (URL). Previously the RequestStats was actually doing two different things:

     It was holding track of the aggregated stats from all requests

     It was holding the stats for single stats entries.



Now RequestStats should be instantiated and holds the global stats, as well as a dict of StatsEntry instances which holds the stats for single stats entries (URLs)   Removed support for avg_wait


Previously one could specify avg_wait to TaskSet and Locust that Locust would try to strive to. However this can be sufficiently accomplished by using min_wait and max_wait for most use-cases. Therefore we’ve decided to remove the avg_wait as it’s use-case is not clear or just too narrow to be in the Locust core.   Removed support for ramping


Previously one could tell Locust, using the –ramp option, to try to find a stable client count that the target host could handle, but it’s been broken and undocumented for quite a while so we’ve decided to remove it from the locust core and perhaps have it reappear as a plugin in the future.   Locust Event hooks now takes keyword argument


Text Box: from locust import events

def on_request(request_type, name, response_time, response_length, **kw): print "Got request!" += on_request

When Extending Locust by listening to Event hooks, the listener functions should now expect the arguments to be passed in as keyword arguments. It’s also highly recommended to add an extra wildcard keyword arguments to listener functions, since they’re then less likely to break if extra arguments are added to that event in some future version. For example:

The method and path arguments to request_success and request_failure are now called request_type and

name, since it’s less HTTP specific.   Other changes


     You can now specify the port on which to run the web host

     Various code cleanups

     Updated gevent/zmq libraries

     Switched to unittest2 discovery

     Added option –only-summary to only output the summary to the console, thus disabling the periodic stats output.

     Locust will now make sure to spawn all the specified locusts in distributed mode, not just a multiple of the number of slaves.

     Fixed the broken Vagrant example.

     Fixed the broken events example (

     Fixed issue where the request column was not sortable in the web-ui.

     Minor styling of the statistics table in the web-ui.

     Added options to specify host and ports in distributed mode using –master-host, –master-port for the slaves,

–master-bind-host, –master-bind-port for the master.



     Removed previously deprecated and obsolete classes WebLocust and SubLocust.

     Fixed so that also failed requests count, when specifying a maximum number of requests on the command line


7.1.21 0.6.2

     Made Locust compatible with gevent 1.0rc2. This allows user to step around a problem with running Locust under some versions of CentOS, that can be fixed by upgrading gevent to 1.0.

     Added parent attribute to TaskSet class that refers to the parent TaskSet, or Locust, instance. Contributed by Aaron Daubman.


7.1.22 0.6.1

     Fixed bug that was causing problems when setting a maximum number of requests using the -n or –num-request

command line parameter.


7.1.23 0.6


Text Box: Warning: This version comes with non backward compatible changes to the API. Anyone who is currently using existing locust scripts and want to upgrade to 0.6 should read through these changes.   SubLocust replaced by TaskSet and Locust class behaviour changed


Locust classes does no longer control task scheduling and execution. Therefore, you no longer define tasks within Locust classes, instead the Locust class has a task_set attribute which should point to a TaskSet class. Tasks should now be defined in TaskSet classes, in the same way that was previously done in Locust and SubLocust classes. TaskSets can be nested just like SubLocust classes could.

So the following code for 0.5.1:






















class User(Locust): min_wait = 10000

max_wait = 120000



def index(self): self.client.get("/")



class AboutPage(SubLocust): min_wait = 10000

max_wait = 120000


def on_init(self): self.client.get("/about/")



def team_page(self): self.client.get("/about/team/")



(continues on next page)



(continued from previous page)

Text Box: def press_page(self): self.client.get("/about/press/")

def stop(self): self.interrupt()

Text Box: class BrowsePage(TaskSet): @task(10)
def index(self): self.client.get("/")

class AboutPage(TaskSet): def on_init(self):

def team_page(self): self.client.get("/about/team/")

def press_page(self): self.client.get("/about/press/")

def stop(self): self.interrupt()

class User(Locust): min_wait = 10000
max_wait = 120000 task_set = BrowsePage

Should now be written like:

Each TaskSet instance gets a locust attribute, which refers to the Locust class.   Locust now uses Requests


Locust’s own HttpBrowser class (which was typically accessed through self.client from within a locust class) has been replaced by a thin wrapper around the requests library ( This comes with a number of advantages. Users can now take advantage of a well documented, well written, fully fledged library for making HTTP requests. However, it also comes with some small API changes wich will require users to update their existing load testing scripts.


Gzip encoding turned on by default


The HTTP client now sends headers for accepting gzip encoding by default. The –gzip command line argument has been removed and if someone want to disable the Accept-Encoding that the HTTP client uses, or any other HTTP headers you can do:



Text Box: class MyWebUser(Locust): def on_start(self):
self.client.headers = {"Accept-Encoding":""}


Improved HTTP client


Because of the switch to using python-requests in the HTTP client, the API for the client has also gotten a few changes.

     Additionally to the get, post, put,  delete and head methods,  the HttpSession class now also has

patch and options methods.


Text Box: client.get("/path", {"User-Agent":"locust"}) # this will no longer work

All arguments to the HTTP request methods, except for url and data should now be specified as keyword arguments. For example, previously one could specify headers using:

And should now be specified like:

Text Box: client.get("/path", headers={"User-Agent":"locust"})

     In general the whole HTTP client is now more powerful since it leverages on python-requests. Features that we’re now able to use in Locust includes file upload, SSL, connection keep-alive, and more. See the python- requests documentation for more details.

     The new HttpSession class’ methods now return python-request Response objects. This means that ac- cessing the content of the response is no longer made using the data attribute, but instead the content attribute. The HTTP response code is now accessed through the status_code attribute, instead of the code attribute.


HttpSession methods’ catch_response argument improved and allow_http_error argument removed


     When doing HTTP requests using the catch_response argument, the context manager that is returned now provides two functions, success and failure that can be used to manually control what the request should be reported as in Locust’s statistics.

class ResponseContextManager(response, request_success, request_failure)

A Response class that also acts as a context manager that provides the ability to manually control if an HTTP request should be marked as successful or a failure in Locust’s statistics

This class is a subclass of Response with two additional methods: success and failure.


Report the response as a failure.

exc can be either a python exception, or a string in which case it will be wrapped inside a CatchRe- sponseError.

Text Box: with self.client.get("/", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.content == b"": response.failure("No data")



Report the response as successful Example:




Text Box: with self.client.get("/does/not/exist", catch_response=True) as response:
if response.status_code == 404: response.success()

     The allow_http_error argument of the HTTP client’s methods has been removed. Instead one can use the

catch_response argument to get a context manager, which can be used together with a with statement. The following code in the previous Locust version:

Text Box: client.get("/does/not/exist", allow_http_error=True)

Text Box: with client.get("/does/not/exist", catch_response=True) as response: response.success()

Can instead now be written like:   Other improvements and bug fixes


     Scheduled task callables can now take keyword arguments and not only normal function arguments.

     SubLocust classes that are scheduled using locust.core.Locust.schedule_task() can now take arguments and keyword arguments (available in self.args and self.kwargs).

     Fixed bug where the average content size would be zero when doing requests against a server that didn’t set the content-length header (i.e. server that uses Transfer-Encoding: chunked)   Smaller API Changes


     The require_once decorator has been removed. It was an old legacy function that no longer fit into the current way of writing Locust tests, where tasks are either methods under a Locust class or SubLocust classes containing task methods.

     Changed signature of locust.core.Locust.schedule_task(). Previously all extra arguments that was given to the method was passed on to the task when it was called. It no longer accepts extra arguments. Instead, it takes an args argument (list) and a kwargs argument (dict) which are be passed to the task when it’s called.

     Arguments for request_success event hook has been changed. Previously it took an HTTP Response instance as argument, but this has been changed to take the content-length of the response instead. This makes it easier to write custom clients for Locust.


7.1.24 0.5.1

     Fixed bug which caused –logfile and –loglevel command line parameters to not be respected when running locust without zeromq.


7.1.25 0.5   API changes


     Web inteface is now turned on by default. The –web command line option has been replaced by –no-web. and now gets the HTTP method as the first argument.   Improvements and bug fixes


     Removed –show-task-ratio-confluence and added a –show-task-ratio-json option instead. The –show-task- ratio-json will output JSON data containing the task execution ratio for the locust “brain”.

     The HTTP method used when a client requests a URL is now displayed in the web UI

     Some fixes and improvements in the stats exporting:

     A file name is now set (using content-disposition header) when downloading stats.

     The order of the column headers for request stats was wrong.

     Thanks Benjamin W. Smith, Jussi Kuosa and Samuele Pedroni!


7.1.26 0.4   API changes


     WebLocust class has been deprecated and is now called just Locust. The class that was previously called Locust is now called LocustBase.

     The catch_http_error argument to HttpClient.get() and has been renamed to allow_http_error.   Improvements and bug fixes


     Locust now uses python’s logging module for all logging

     Added the ability to change the number of spawned users when a test is running, without having to restart the test.

     Experimental support for automatically ramping up and down the number of locust to find a maximum number of concurrent users (based on some parameters like response times and acceptable failure rate).

     Added support for failing requests based on the response data, even if the HTTP response was OK.

     Improved master node performance in order to not get bottlenecked when using enough slaves (>100)

     Minor improvements in web interface.

     Fixed missing template dir in MANIFEST file causing locust installed with “ install” not to work.









locust.wait_time, 39









     init () (HttpSession method), 40


abstract (HttpLocust attribute), 36

abstract (Locust attribute), 35


between() (in module locust.wait_time), 39


client (HttpLocust attribute), 36 client (TaskSequence attribute), 38 client (TaskSet attribute), 36

connection_timeout (FastHttpLocust attribute), 25 constant() (in module locust.wait_time), 39 constant_pacing() (in module locust.wait_time),


content (FastResponse attribute), 26


delete() (HttpSession method), 40


Environment (class in locust.env), 44 EventHook (class in locust.event), 47 Events (class in locust.event), 45 events (Environment attribute), 44


failure() (ResponseContextManager method), 44 FastHttpLocust (class in locust.contrib.fasthttp), 25 FastHttpSession (class in locust.contrib.fasthttp),


FastResponse (class in locust.contrib.fasthttp), 26


get() (FastHttpSession method), 25

get() (HttpSession method), 40


hatch_complete (Events attribute), 45 head() (FastHttpSession method), 25 head() (HttpSession method), 40 headers (FastResponse attribute), 26 host (Environment attribute), 44 HttpLocust (class in locust.core), 36 HttpSession (class in locust.clients), 39


init (Events attribute), 45

init_command_line_parser (Events attribute), 45

insecure (FastHttpLocust attribute), 25 interrupt() (TaskSequence method), 38 interrupt() (TaskSet method), 36 InterruptTaskSet, 44


json() (FastResponse method), 26


Locust (class in locust.core), 35 locust (TaskSet attribute), 36 locust.wait_time (module), 39 locust_error (Events attribute), 45

locust_start_hatching (Events attribute), 46

locust_stop_hatching (Events attribute), 46


master_bind_host (Environment attribute), 44 master_bind_port (Environment attribute), 44 master_host (Environment attribute), 44 master_port (Environment attribute), 45 master_start_hatching (Events attribute), 46 master_stop_hatching (Events attribute), 46 max_redirects (FastHttpLocust attribute), 25



max_retries (FastHttpLocust attribute), 25


network_timeout (FastHttpLocust attribute), 25


options (Environment attribute), 45 options() (FastHttpSession method), 26 options() (HttpSession method), 40


parent (TaskSet attribute), 36 patch() (FastHttpSession method), 26 patch() (HttpSession method), 40 post() (FastHttpSession method), 26 post() (HttpSession method), 41 put() (FastHttpSession method), 26 put() (HttpSession method), 41


quitting (Events attribute), 46


report_to_master (Events attribute), 46 request() (FastHttpSession method), 26 request() (HttpSession method), 41 request_failure (Events attribute), 46 request_success (Events attribute), 47 reset_stats (Environment attribute), 45 ResponseContextManager (class in locust.clients),


runner (Environment attribute), 45


schedule_task() (TaskSequence method), 38 schedule_task() (TaskSet method), 37 seq_task() (in module locust.core), 38 step_load (Environment attribute), 45 stop_timeout (Environment attribute), 45 success() (ResponseContextManager method), 44


task() (in module locust.core), 37 tasks (Locust attribute), 35 tasks (TaskSet attribute), 37

TaskSequence (class in locust.core), 37

TaskSet (class in locust.core), 36

text (FastResponse attribute), 26


wait_time (Locust attribute), 35 wait_time() (TaskSequence method), 38 wait_time() (TaskSet method), 37

web_ui (Environment attribute), 45 weight (Locust attribute), 36 worker_report (Events attribute), 47


66                                                                                                                               Index


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